Rutland Sailability (RS) has some 200 members and 30 boats.  To manage a charity of this size and provide safe, fun and challenging opportunities for people with disabilities we need a wide variety  of volunteers, with all sorts of different skills, to provide the very best opportunities that we can

Sailing - Adults With Disabilities

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    Electric controls for rudder and mainsheet

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    Electric controls for rudder and mainsheet

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    2 Hansa 303 2 Seat boats - Names specially chosen by our younger members

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    Liberty - Single seat

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    Challenger Trimaran

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    Challenger Trimaran with Instructor 

    in a 'Buddy-Seat'

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    2 Seat Hansa 303

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    Single Seat Hansa 2.3

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    Hansa 303 with instructor


Here's what Chris, one of our adult members with a disability, has to say about Sailability:

I am a full-time wheelchair user with advanced MS with poor strength and dexterity. RS has very helpful volunteers and the type of boats that provide me with the opportunity to sail single handed. I can, and do, race against fit sailors in local, European, and world events. My dreams have come true

Whether it is a 'Trip Round The Lake' to enjoy the scenery and calming atmosphere, training to achieve solo sailing or training to experience the challenges and thrills of racing - if you are up for it we can probably provide it!

Even if you have never sailed before and perhaps believe that 'I'm too old for that sort of thing' (see Sally to scotch that rumour!),   we would hope to prove you wrong and get you into the amazing sport of sailing Progress to the level of sailing that suits you and enjoy the freedoms and challenges that sailing can provide. 

Have a look at our Training Page to see what we can offer.

Have a look at Our Boats page and see the variety of Boats available to match your requirements.

There is, however, nothing like coming down to Rutland Sailability and having a look for yourself.

'Give It A Go' at

Free Taster Session

Contact Us

Sailing - Youngsters With Disabilities

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    Lottie receives a well-earned RYA Gold Achievement Certificate

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    Lottie receives a well-earned RYA Gold Achievement Certificate

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    Sid receives his well-earned RYA Achievement Certificate

  • Dylan - 1st sail of 2021

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    Dylan - 1st sail of 2021

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    Dylan - 1st sail of 2021

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    Dylan - 1st sail of 2021 with a logbook/achievment record to prove it!

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    Using the pole the youngster is encouraged to steer while the instructor can quickly take back control if necessary

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    We are sure that that is shout of excitment!

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Youngster returning from sailing.  

    The smile says it all!

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Some of our 'older youngsters'  take the 'younger youngsters' sailing

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    The smiles make it all so worth while!

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Some of our 'older youngsters'  take the 'younger youngsters' sailing

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Youngster with an instructor in a Hansa 303

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    Some of our 'older youngsters'  take the 'younger youngsters' sailing

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    Youngsters sailing solo in Hansa 2.3

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    Certificates awarded for the Sailability Syllabus Scheme

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    Certificates awarded for the Sailability Syllabus Scheme


Most of our Sailing with Youngsters is carried out on a Saturday morning with the opportunities following the same principles as our adult programmes - enjoyment and challenge in a safe and fun environment. 

We run a training course specifically aimed at youngsters with the goal of them being able to sail solo (in a very closely monitored environment). 

Many of our youngsters have a wry smile and enormous pride when they report to their parents that they can sail solo when Mum and Dad can't sail at all! Many then go on to take Mum or Dad out sailing!

Here is what one parent has to say about sailing with RS:

  • Sailing has given my son a huge confidence boost. 
  • Rutland Sailability is like an extended family.
  • There's lots of opportunities to progress.

and from the youngster himself:

  • It's such good fun
  • We learn lots of useful and interesting things. 
  • The instructors are a good laugh. 

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Volunteers - Based Outdoors

While we actively encourage all our members with disabilities to participate to the maximum they can in the running of RS there are obvious physical activities that they are unable to carry out.  We therefore have a need for able bodied members to launch and recover boats, maintain those boats and assist in the a multitude of  other 'heavy (ish) activities'!  We are also keen to train up Volunteers (even if they have never, ever sailed) as RYA qualified Helms and Instructors.

Sandra and Mick both 'Outdoor Volunteers', had this to say about joining Rutland Sailability:

 Volunteering at Rutland Sailability has given us the opportunity to meet new people, to be part of a Team, develop new skills, enjoy the outdoors or stay indoors, all this while doing something meaningful and worth while.  We were both new to sailing when we joined RS but have now gained RYA sailing qualifications and now have the skills to help others enjoy safe and fun sailing at Rutland Water

Do you have time to spare?  Do you want to give back to the community?  Fancy doing something with a bunch of like minded people in the open air? Why not contact us and come along and give us a try?

Contact Us

Volunteers - Based Indoors

With a membership of approx 200 and an annual costs of £45,000 we are always looking for people (both disabled and able bodied) to assist with the managament and organisation of the charity. 

Jobs that need filling include Trustees to manage the charity, Reception Staff, Fund Raisers, Photographers, IT Experts, Trainers (for shore based activities), Boat Repairers, Marketing and Publicity posts etc, etc. 

If you have time on your hands and would like to 'Give Back To The Community' but would prefer to volunteer as an 'Indoor Volunteer' then:

Please Do Contact Us

Contact Us
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    Hoist Training

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    Hoist Training

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    Len's Den - 'Shooting The Breeze'

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    Ramp to the pontoon is very user friendly

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    RS Reception and board for booking sailing slots

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    Boat maintenance


Jill is an 'Indoor Volunteer',  here's what she has to say about RS:

Over the my 6 years I have been a member of RS I feel it a privilege to share my time with such a great bunch of people.  My days are enlightened when I see how much enjoyment our disabled sailors have on the water, their smiles tell it all.  I am truly inspired by the energy of all our volunteers.

I have also seen those unable to sail become true sailors, some of them, without  realising it !

Special Needs

We can provide an interesting, stimulating and fun environment for people and organisations with Special Needs.  Usually our Special Needs people will sail, with their carer, in our Drascombe Longboats.  Often the Special Needs people will be invited to take the helm (though an instructor will always be close alongside them to retake control if necessary!).  The water, the wind and the wildlife provide a safe and fun environment.

Please contact us to find what Rutland Sailability could do for your group.

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